Park So Dam’s sneakers in ‘Record of Youth’

Park So Dam’s sneakers is today’s item.
Park So Dam fashion in ‘Record of Youth’ is making an issue every time! Especially, when it comes to Park So Dam’s fashion in the drama, it seems to have a unique and cute styling!

In the 9th episode of the record of youth, it’s Park So Dam who added the point of “Ugly Shoes” to the beige color set-up suit! “Park So Dam,” which adds sophistication by matching ugly shoes to styling that would have been obvious if you had worn shoes or loafers

The sneakers Park So Dam wore were the premium shoes brand ‘REKKEN’.

‘Lugly PONY’

REKKEN’s unique color and detail were added to the trendy ugly shoes silhouette, making the “Park So Dam REKKEN sneakers” look perfect.

The price is 258,000won.


If you want to buy this sneakers, click the link below.


Read on for more interesting information.
Park Bo Gum Hoodie in ‘Record of Youth’

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