Billboard Ad for Lee Min Ho

245,125 Tokens

has been raised (Goal: 400,000 Tokens)


  • When the goal is reached, the content of the ad will be decided, and the location and schedule for placing the billboard will also be determined.
  • Details(Ad contents, schedule, location) of the billboard will be shared on INK.
  • Make a contribution

    5 Tokens 10 Tokens

    to contribute more tokens

    To participate in the gift project, simply do the activities suggested by the project.
    Rate products, take quizzes, view advertisements, and more.
    You can find out by clicking the "Support this project" button.

    After reaching the goal, we discuss with the star's agency to determine the most appropriate date for the gift.
    Gifts can be delivered on a variety of dates, such as a star's birthday or filming date.

    It can be the star's agency, filming location, home, etc. We discuss with the star's agency to determine the most appropriate place to send the gift.

    Yes. After the gift is delivered, we take a picture and upload it for everyone to see.


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